No excuses – having no access to a gym doesn’t mean you can’t work out. This workout can be done at home, in a park, or wherever you want. If you have a deck of cards, you have a workout. If you don’t have a deck of cards, there are apps that can do this for you. Also, the flipping of the cards is a great distraction from how intense this workout can be. Enjoy, and remember the quicker you get this done in a minute, the more time you have to rest.


Flip a card every minute. The number on the card equals the number of reps of the movement you should do in that minute. Rotate movements after each card flip.

Face cards = 13 reps

Aces = 15 reps

Joker = 20 reps

Number Cards = that amount of reps (ex: 10 of spades = 10 reps)

1- Kicksits each side

2- Split jumps each side (to modify, do lunges)

3- Burpees (to modify, do without a pushup)

There are 54 cards in a deck (including jokers) so that’s a 54-minute EMOM. Let’s get after it!


To see more from Pat, follow him on Instagram: @pats_gym

Interested in online coaching from Pat? Click HERE.


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