Traveling is something that in theory sounds great, but when it comes to traveling for business it too often comes at the expense of fitness, or at the very least you’re routine. If you’re like me you’re a creature of habit. I thrive on a routine, and with a job that is based remotely, it is imperative for me to stay on a routine when I’m home in order for me to be successful. I learned this trait in college and it has stuck with me ever since. 

Now the monkey wrench gets thrown in when I travel, which for me is often. I’ve been on 36 flights since June 1. So safe to say, I’m keeping the roads (and skies) hot. Like many of you guys reading this, I have a lot of goals, many of them, I’m sure, are the same as yours: be a good husband, be a leader and look good naked. For the sake of time, and my sanity, I’m going to focus on how I’ve worked on the latter even though I’m traveling what seems like non-stop. 

Too often, travel for work is accompanied by long days, big meals and lots of alcohol. Here are a few tips and tricks that I try to stick to at least minimize the damage of not being on my fitness routine. 

Make time for it, even if its 15 mins

Often times I only have 20 minutes tops when I’m traveling, so for those short windows, I focus on mobility and doing the things I always neglect doing when I’m at home. It gets you moving and even though it's not a full WOD, it's great to wake your body up and remind yourself that you still have those fitness goals event when you’re on the road.

Invest in a Jump Rope

A few months ago I bought a Bear Komplex speed rope on Amazon. Amazing forethought from me, if I can brag. My favorite WOD with this on the road is:

For Time

50 Double Unders

10 Burpees

40 Double Unders

10 Burpees

30 Double Unders

10 Burpees

20 Double Unders

10 Burpees

10 Double Unders

10 Burpees

This is actually a 2010 Crossfit Games Canadian Regional WOD. Shout out our friends up north.

Sometimes a Run is All You Need…

I hate running. It's one of my least favorite things to do. But when I’m on the road, I’ve made an effort to work at getting better at running and bringing down my 5k time. Right now my best time is 23:43. With more travel in the near future, I’ll be down under 21 minutes in a few months.

Remember Its not the end of the world.

Life’s about balance, and if you have a few days where you miss workouts and you don’t hit your macros, just remember life goes on and you can always try again tomorrow. 

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